Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹

Itโ€™s me, Dan Fishgold! Iโ€™m a software engineer from Tel Aviv. Currently messing around with React, SwiftUI, Code Reading Clubs, and ficuses.


A piece of code with colorful annotations. Variables and functions are marked with different colors and arrows connect the places where they're defined and used.

Code Annotation Tool (work in progress)

A tool to make annotating code easier for Code Reading Clubs. Join us on the first Tuesday of every month!

Codecember 2019: Patterns

36 Japanese patterns from 1825, recreated in code during August 2020

the top pages on Wikipedia on August 22nd, 2020

Wikipedia Charts

The 100 most visited pages on Wikipedia on any given day

Codecember 2018: Processing

30 Processing sketches in 30 days. Featuring many random numbers!

Codecember 2017: Magnets

Continuing the tradition of Codecember 2016, in January 2018 I made one single giant project in 30 days. It's also in Hebrew

Codecember 2016: Catch Up

30 coding projects in 30 days during the month of December 2016. Heavily inspired by Aaron VonderHaar's Codevember streams